
The author wants to begin this essay with a tribute to President Lyndon Baines Johnson. In 1964, he established Medicare, which enables 80 percent to receive medical care, thus extending their lifespans. Before a tirade begins deriding a national policy that consumes a third of the gross national product let it be known that most other countries DO NOT HAVE MEDICARE.  What has our salvation become? 

Modern medicine is now a business, not a service like it used to be.  The AMA prescribes treatments, medicines, and therapies that do little good yet cost the public tons of money.  Doctors and administrators get rich over the tomfoolery, while the nurses and attendants secure an hourly wage and are worked to the bone.  Electronic tests are performed that reveal very little if any information and cost Medicare billions of dollars annually.   NMR is merely a computer simulation.  Biopsies are always positive and railroad an indigent patient into surgery.  General anesthesia is not innocuous.  Prescription drugs formulated by organic chemists come into being and defraud the public with hard-earned money, do very little actual good, cause cancer and other morbidities, and exist as long as their patent is valid.  In a nutshell, if a patient does not have an infection, he or she is out of luck because chronic diseases are poisonings until they kill an organ or organs and cause systemic failure.  Almost all treatable diseases can be diagnosed with an X-ray or CAT scan and basic chemistries are now done on a machine, nothing else is needed.  Why does a hospital have to build a high-wattage, high-voltage PET or NMR machine and charge five thousand dollars a test for a technology that reveals very little helpful information?  Let it be known that the 80 percent when they go into organ failure from poisoning, get euthanized by the 20 percent, and the 20 percent receive organ transplants that last only five years.  Each organ transplant and associated modalities cost at least a million dollars a patient and more.  Insurance companies pay for this nonsense because of course, the 20 percent owns them.  In our current elitist society, 80 percent pay into social security and Medicare for their working lives, but when they enter a hospital for a chronic condition the medical establishment euthanizes them so the 20 percent do not have to support them anymore.  In addition, the 20 percent keep their pension and put it into their own pockets.  In modern medicine, the poor get euthanized and the rich get organ transplants. 

This author experienced the benefits of modern medicine as described:

The most expensive plan obtainable with the government gifted the author with a home nurse visit that costs $350.   The RN arrived in a miniskirt, took the patient’s temperature and blood pressure, and informed him that he had high blood pressure.   She didn’t want to touch the wound and apply a new bandage and the patient had to do the most washing himself.

Another day nurse said that the sick patient was treating her poorly and she would have to call the police so he asked her politely to leave.

The excellent specialist from India with kinky hair and a turban told the patient he would have to get his legs cut off and refused to prescribe adequate medication.   Modern medicine is a racket and doctors can refuse to treat or prescribe medicine at a whim.  The law protects these highly educated ethical people. We the people deserve to buy antibiotics over the counter and not to be refused by professionals, who of course know better. 

The turbaned, board-accredited atheist, also wants a periodic colonoscopy on his patients.  As all surgeons know, passing a catheter can rupture a viscus and lead to surgery.  However, hospitals charge ten thousand dollars for a colonoscopy and physicians one thousand dollars to evaluate the findings, Lucky Luciano could never have been so lucky.    They called Luciano lucky because he was the only one to get away from the Godfather.   A huge abdomen happens from a parasite infestation, and a biopsied parasite looks like cancer when it is frozen, sectioned, and stained.   May the preeminent pathologists I have known rest in peace.

The 20 percent do not need a board-certified RN to change their bandages, Two LVNs, one for protection, cost less to employ.

Cancer therapy does not work.  Alkylating agents have not saved a single patient and most often accelerate their demise. 

Diabetic medication does not work and causes accelerated aging.    Insulin derived from animals causes an immune reaction and eventually does not work anymore.  Insurance does not pay for synthesized human insulin.    Diabetes is a chronic intoxication.

The agents used to treat high blood pressure are chemicals synthesized in a laboratory and cause cancer of the liver and/or pancreas.     Most people would rather die from a stroke than languish in pain with cancer of the pancreas.  

As I said, medicine is a racket, and do not apply to medical school unless health care professionals ask you to.   Medical doctors exhibit passive-aggressive behavior.   There exist chronic schizophrenics that are saner than the white tower educated zealots.   Hannibal said it in another way.   By the way, phenothiazines do not cause brain cancer like cocaine, if given in a low dose over twenty years.  

Medicare is a vision and godsend crafted by a person with a highly developed ethical responsibility.  It is now appropriate to salute President Johnson.  Afterward, says a prayer because of his gift to the United States.  Has fallen into the hands of the unethical.  

Remember the literate operate the United States.   A president cannot declare war.   The House of Representatives alone can release the dogs of war.  They need a 2/3 vote.   The Supreme Court cannot declare war.  They are meant to police the people and the executives, nothing more.  All the Supreme Court can do is declare an action constitutional or non-constitutional.  The founding fathers sacrificed their lives for what they believed in. Now all we have to do is sit down with a cup of coffee and read it again.    I hope we the people do not have to give up our lives to reinstate what was put into law over two hundred years ago.  

Early Christmas

So very long ago now, the memories fade and become fuzzy recollections in the corner of the mind.  As it is in the beginning when the brain soaks up memories like a sponge and makes a human being what they are today, the nuclear family etches itself in the personality of the Wracks, but now it doesn’t matter anyway.  The Christmas season in the northern hemisphere is cold and families concentrate on celebrating the Christian ideal of ethics.   With the feeling and vision of something better and a king to guide us and rule the world as it is meant to be ruled, families give cheer to the yuletide season.

Rolls-Royce Lane in Eastwood looks like a small duplex colony set amid more duplexes that eventually were razed and made to be huge condominiums.  For now, the white buildings set with a lawn and a long driveway connecting two duplexes are the setting of a small family that comes together to have Christmas dinner.  Around the duplex is bare earth that grandma plants with garlic, parsley, and Swiss chard plants, to be pulled immediately and used as spices in Italian cooking.   The Wracks are outside picking some spices to be used with the Christmas dinner.  Inside the small duplex, painted in white inside and out are a kitchen, a large living room, one bathroom, and two small bedrooms.  A large white sofa and a large RCA television sit in the living room.   A portable hardwood table with replaceable leaves moves out from the wall and becomes the dining table for the Christmas feast.   The Wracks set the table, the Fonz watches television, and mother and father Wracker sit with their children waiting to eat Italian food with a French twist, in a simplistic fashion in the twentieth century.  

All things start small and it is so with this Christmas dinner, with silverware taken out of boxes several generations old.  There is rigatoni pasta in tomato sauce boiled with chicken feet set in cheesecloth.   Chicken feet make the best spaghetti sauce but must be kept in a cheesecloth nest because they contain many small bones.  In the oven roasts a small beef chunk, a top round wedge that Grandpa likes so much.  Peppercorns, sea salt, and mashed garlic cloves cover the roast, as Italians believe garlic lowers blood pressure.   The kitchen smells delightful, the tomato sauce bubbles away and the top round tip roast floats on top of the range cooling down.   Grandfather prefers a tossed salad as a vegetable for his meals so this is what is presented on top of the fold-out leaf hardwood table done in mahogany red.  The dressing is Italian with olive oil and small tomato pieces accentuating the green expanse sitting in a huge wooden bowl with wooden tongs set inside.  The food comes to the table.  The roast is divided into slices and everyone receives a huge bowl of pasta with tomato sauce and abundant parmesan cheese. The Wracks ground the parmesan cheese from a hard chunk on a steel cheese grate and the fresh cheese makes the red-covered rigatoni a superior meal in itself.  Hands clasped in prayer, the nuclear family thanks the maker for another year and salutes the birth of his delegated son. A red rose pours into stemware and the children get a separate glass of water and wine as is the aged old Italian custom.   Everyone eats and eats and happiness prevails at the table and the dessert brings vanilla ice cream with heated Hershey chocolate sauce swirled on top.   The meal is over and Father Wracks and Grandpa sit and smoke with the window open and the Fonz watches more television on the huge 25-inch television set.   The Wracks help Grandma do the dishes and then dry them with fresh towels taken from the linen closet in the master bedroom.    When all the dishes are dry and put away, and the silver loaded back into the reddish cloth boxes, the three-leaf official table comes down and slides back to the wall. 

As most children in the United States receive gifts on Christmas, the Wracks and the Fonz are no exception., The Wracks receives a blue .049 gasoline-powered sky raider with guide wires to be pulled around the parking lot, and the Fonz receives a tennis racket with a shopping bag full of tennis balls.

Both mother and father Wracker smoke, grandpa smokes, the window is open, and the perennial family show hosts on television on this, the holiest of Christian days.   The Wracks loves watching television and slowly falls asleep happy.   It is time to go says Mother Wracker to the Wracks and slips his Penney’s corduroy jacket over his shoulders.   Grandma kisses the children on the forehead, grandfather beams and the family gets into a Chevrolet Impala station wagon, in sky blue for the thirty-minute ride to Tranquil Hills.   The Fonz and the Wracks fall asleep in the back as the scenery wafts by on the moonlight road taking them back home.  The garage door opens and the kids and the mother get out and they enter the house through the back door.  Go to sleep says Mom, and Merry Christmas, and the stars outside the window in the garden glow and cast light on the child sleeping in a bed under the window. 

The temporal lobe houses the superego.  The superego is the sum of all life experiences stored in one place with immediate access that shapes the personality.   The frontal lobe is the processor or CPU and processes the memories as history into action.   Without a religious upbringing, the frontal lobe has no boundaries to designate, no rules to compel, no feeling to become and a human being without an ethical construct might surely become criminal.  This is the hope that Christmas brings that man somehow will muck through the extravagances and vicissitudes of life and with every generation become better.  So is the hope that Christians believe will endeavor through time.  This is a lot better than being thrown to hungry lions and we wish around the world whoever you are, a Merry Christmas.


In the minds of American business outsourcing is the maneuver to create money and everyone benefits from the strategy.  This is why American corporations the capital and the assets of America promulgate this business decision made by Ivy League graduates and people born with a silver spoon in their mouths.   Originally, outsourcing came into existence in the car and defense industry when making a piece or module was impossible because the business was not equipped or couldn’t get enough raw material to produce the needed part.   Corporations would find an American company with the tools and the intelligence to make the part, corporate would buy the part at an arbitrable discount insert it into their product and then America benefits from the ingenuity.   Outsourcing seeks to empower American businesses to work and exist where ample substrate is found so there is no shipping development or transfer fees.   It makes sense to make steel in a region with abundant iron ore.   It makes sense to have private American businesses make parts because their taxes feed the nation and everyone is employed and takes home a Christmas bonus.  Rather than allocate assets to buy land develop a new factory and skim money from owners’ assets, Standard and Poors 500 simply find a business with propinquity to supply them with parts for their product.  This is outsourcing.   What is outsourcing now?

Politicians with their inflammatory rhetoric scream that the United States has to feed the impoverished masses of third world countries.   What better way to help the world than to build factories in foreign countries and ship the parts back to the good old United States of America, With the Christian ethic in mind, poor countries can feed themselves and Americans benefit from a product produced for less money.   Americans are happy because they do not have to pay for high-technology products that are produced elsewhere, Furthermore, patriotic politicians levy tariffs, which they skim and line their own pockets and contribute the booty to the purse of the American government. This is what the politicians say,  powered by the intelligence of the nation and the big money of venture capitalists.  Everyone benefits from outsourcing.  Foreign governments employ their people, politicians levy tariffs and taxes, consumers have a product at a reasonable price and everyone, including the working class, is happy.   Is this real?

The reason why capitalists want to make products in a foreign country is because businesses outside the United States do not have to comply with labor laws or  GAAP.   GAAP is a generally accepted accounting practice that all businesses follow unless they want to be audited by the federal government.   Other countries do not have accounting practices similar to the United States.   The money produced by foreign corporations does not fall under the scrutiny of the United States Judicial review, at this point of production in the product line summary, the twenty percent can steal money and no one is the wiser.  The money flow in foreign countries is not chronicled and a computer logged like it is in the United States so assets and owners’ equity can be rematerialized or deleted without the owner’s knowledge.   Oh yes, those poor people that the government employs in foreign nations now have jobs, but they are still paid the dirt-cheap wages that their capitalistic, non-democratic rulers pay.  Twenty percent of those third-world countries skim from production costs, overhead costs, and transfer fees and become incredibly rich and no one can do anything about it.  The accounting is different there.   Politicians tell the public how altruistic they are when in reality they receive kickbacks from foreign governments deposited into Swiss and overseas accounts.    With the computer and the internet and the dark web, believe it or not, the twenty percent are all in cahoots., it is easy to follow them now but no one does, because the pie is so rich and tasty and inexhaustible.    And yes, the poor people in loincloths now have jobs and can afford to buy meat, but it doesn’t matter because when they become ill, they are euthanized and new workers take their place.  Shipping and freight industries benefit greatly from outsourcing and they send corporations and politicians kickbacks to reward for their aiding abetting and smuggling goods that are seemingly omitted from the charter and bill of goods.  Outsourcing is a pirate fantasy and the author is mad he can’t get a piece of it, Wasn’t the original idea of outsourcing to keep business local and in the hands of the people who pay taxes?    Are these same people employed now in the United States or have they had to be retrained?   Are the Americans who support the infrastructure that makes the United States a world power being starved to death while a new class of foreign billionaires who steal from their people buys houses in Beverly Hills California, Carmel, and Coral Gables Florida?  With the computer, the internet, and a patriotic IT whiz, it is now possible to follow the money.    It would be fascist to state that these people must be imprisoned for treason when the judiciary that empowers them is corrupt also.   It is far better to publish publicly on the net, on billboards, and in newspapers, photographs of those people on the take who rape America and support corrupt foreign governments so we the people can see who they are and avoid them.  Outsourcing may look good on paper, but unless the government of the United States of America can establish a judiciary presence in a foreign country and establish GAAP standards to enable the government to follow the money.

Yo ho, Yo ho, a pirate’s life for me.  Rob from the rich and give to the poor and don’t tell Will Scarlett. 



Summer is ending, so begins fall

I am scared that the season will begin at all

Surrounded by people, and flinch at a call

Sit in a dark room with a chair at the wall

Should be outside with a rake and raking

Here inside at work and waiting

Home alone lying in bed

This month I lost my only friend

To a painful and abrupt end

Wake up in the morning and hear that he’s dead

Should be in the kitchen with cake that’s baking

Here inside at work and waiting.

Halloween comes with trick or treat

Or go to a party with people to meet

To creep and crawl with silent feet

And grope and fumble in darkness deep

Concentrate on something making

Here inside at work and waiting

Thanksgiving with my friendly family

November passes quite rapidly

Together with turkey, peas and tea

Advent begins in a cold grey sea

Winter is now and its breaking

I’m home inside at work and waiting


In December the birth of the son of God

I must remember what in his life he taught

Then sort the teachings out from a dark fog

Because Christmas is love not at all macabre

The frost grows on the lawn outside this morning

At the window inside at work and waiting

Happy New Year that begins with a seven

The angels above call down from heaven

To the earth below and meadows and oceans

Like the dough that sowed and rises when leavened

The days are short and nights sedating

In the kitchen alive at work and waiting

Is the vast bleakness a harbinger of Spring

When nature sets forth its most beautiful things

That grow quietly without sounds or rings

Or move about at night under moonlight scenes

With equal days and nights the equinox brings

The time flies by without break or sating

Here at work at home and waiting

Frat again

Why don’t you stop by and pledge our fraternity, said the more mature-looking college senior in a suit and a tie, and Adidas tennis shoes.  My name is John.  You do not have to live at the house if you pledge but every weekend you must return to the fraternity house and do chores such as cleaning up the bathrooms and the shower area or landscaping the garden surrounding the house.  When the brother requires, each member must attend and participate in the tasks and festivities. 

I do not have time for a fraternity, says Wracks,   I have to get into graduate school, and I am studying to be a doctor.  

The girls do not care what you are studying during a toga party, says Benjamin. They just like to dance. 

I need a B plus average and I am taking all chemistry and biology courses. Whines Wracks

It is not what you know, it is who you know and the Sorority girls all come from fine upscale families. Besides, they do not bite, added Benjamin.

All right, Can I bring a friend to the party, asks Wracks.  His name is Cool.  I don’t own a car.

Cool, Kool, Cool, I have heard that name before, thinks Benjamin out loud. Wracks, do I know Kool?

I don’t think so, says Wracks, he drives a forklift and a caterpillar tractor. 

Mike puts his hand on his head looks up and says, all right; bring him along, but no drugs or guns.

See you on Friday; says Wracks, my last lab is from three to five.

The animal house sits on a hill that guards the big University.  Buses run continuously up and down the hill on an hourly basis.  The big stadium and football field are within sight and the fraternity president stands on the balcony of the Beta house and hits golf balls at the football players.   He has an accurate swing and adequate range with a big wood driver.  Now and then he beans a player in the helmet at three hundred yards and a wrack thinks maybe he should go professional.  The house on a hill has three stories, numerous balconies, and a brown shale roof.   The siding of the structure looks like wood siding painted grayish blue and the windows have wood sash and siding. All in all, the fraternity house looks well lived in from the brothers hanging out of the windows and coming and going through windows utilizing ropes, kind of like Tarzan of the Apes.   In the back of the house sits the garbage dump, with a dumpster and a constant pile of beer kegs stacked up three in a row because when the liquor store delivers, the old kegs serve as the deposit on credit for the new brew. 

The party this Friday night merely serves as a get-together for new pledges with their sponsors.  The festivities include a disco music machine with a conductor, three kegs of Coors beer, chips and nuts, and a stack of pizza boxes ten feet high.  Mike says the money for festivities comes from the dues the brothers pay each month for membership and lodging and graduated brothers donate goods and money to the cause for a continued fest.  On each story is a room with a theme sign and latch like a gate signaling private action.  One room says “Bong” private admission only, another says, “Vroom”, and another says, Love Shack.    The party mostly occurs in the entrance environment, and in the secret lodge, with special movies projected on the ceiling while people sit and drink beer, tons of beer.  Beer remains the currency of fraternity dealings and the bathrooms have a line in front of them.   The beer tastes good, flows freely, and is on the house.  Girls constantly run by in shorts and the sorority girls have their uniforms with a letter on each breast. 

Hello, wracks, says John, how do you like the fraternity? Have any girls abducted you yet?

No, none ever do, I do not have any money, says Wracks

Some girls daddy’s have lots of money and they do not need any, says Ben, one might take a liking to you.   Where is Kool?  Kool is in the secret lodge watching the movies and having a smoke, says Wracks.

What is the vroom?  Asks Wracks.

Why don’t you go upstairs and see, says Benjamin.  With that utterance, two coeds appear and lead John off to the dance floor.  Wracks goes up to the third floor and opens the door to the vroom room.  Inside is a man at a table with a glass vessel that has a receptacle at the top and a fire extinguisher with a suction cup that fits on the outside.  A sorority girl walks in and says to the man, “I want some Vroom,” the brother smiles and asks, Coors or Miller?  Miller says the girl.  The brother takes the bottle of beer and pours it into the receptacle and sticks the suction cup on the end.  The sorority sister puts the other end of the glass vessel in her mouth.  The brother says, are you ready, the girl nods her head and the brother pulls the trigger on the fire extinguisher.  The golden brew disappears through the vroom tube with a whoosh and down the throat of the Coed in under two seconds.  Can I have another, says the girl with a big smile on her face, it beats swallowing.  The brother says, That is your sixth vroom, you have to wait another half hour for another. 

Can I have a vroom, asks Wracks.

No, you are only a pledge; you have to drink the beer like a normal person.  However, you can stay and learn how to use the room like me.  Remember, pull the trigger briskly or they blow up like a balloon. 

I will remember, says Wracks, see you soon and Wracks exits the vroom room.   

Wracks finds Kool in the secret rites room watching the adult movies projected on the ceiling. A wrack doesn’t watch them because they remind him of his lack of female companionship.  

I like this place, says Kool, the girls are good-looking

Unless you are a brother, it is by invitation only, says Wracks

I have connections in high places, insists Kool.  I go where I want. 

That girl with you looks like she should go to the doctor, says Wracks, her complexion is white and pasty.

I met her tonight at the party, adds Kool, she says she knows you.

If she does, I do not remember, says Wracks.  Promise me you will take her home at a reasonable hour.

I will, promises Cool. Cross my heart and hope to die. 

A wrack looks at the girl and she smiles at him but he does not recognize her.  He thinks however that he has seen her somewhere before in his life but knows not where.  He moves off and looks for John. John stands at the head of the dance hall supervising the activities.   In the middle of the room, a girl in less than a Bikini bursts out of a huge cake and sings Happy Birthday to one of the Brothers. 

She works until Midnight says Benjamin, why you don’t stick around for a while.

I have to leave, says Wracks.  The research library opens at ten tomorrow morning and I have to write a composition every week for my English Literature class.

Tomorrow is Saturday yells John.  Tomorrow at Ten o’clock, the brothers and I will be drinking pots of coffee and pledging allegiance to the United States of America. 

I have to go, says Wracks.  Where is Kool?

He is around somewhere says John, there is lots to do

When you want to pledge, just show up insists John.

My brother joined your fraternity and his grades have hit rock bottom, reveals Wracks. 

It is not a fraternity brother says Benjamin; it’s his friend from Pepperdine.

If you pledge says Benjamin, we will let you join a secret meeting of the togas.

What happens at a secret meeting, asks Wracks

It is a secret, says Mike, and we provide the secret. 

I will think about it, says Wracks, good night.  

Mike, I thought your name was John.  

Tonight, it is John, says Mike for all those concerned

Where is Kool asks the Wracks.   He parked his red truck on the football field because he couldn’t find parking. He says he has friends in high places and no one will bother him.    If I can’t find him, I have to take the bus.

The 10:30 bus is the last bus of the night going to Tranquil Hills.   The Wracks wait at the stop opposite the frat, the huge yellow bus shows up, and the Wracks flips his yearly bus pass and gets on.   He sits near the driver in front of security.   About one-half hour later, when the bus transits through the secluded part of Moonrise boulevard, a tall handsome dark-haired man in a suit pulls the flag, the bus slows, he glowers at the Wracks and he exits amid mansions set in an urban forest.  The Wracks get to the final stop before the bus turns around, gets off, and walks in the dark to his home on Bacon’s way.  He thinks he is lucky to get away, again.

Youth truly is wasted on the young.  Youth can mean foolish impetuousness without impact or direction. What Wracks sees in Retrospect is that the world is people and interaction becomes the imperative for survival and accomplishment.  The world is people and people talk to people, who talk to people and a hug and a sincere kiss are worth more than a million dollars. Human interaction brings more than a handful of emeralds from Columbia or a tryst of pigeon blood rubies from the depths of Sri Lanka. The human touch is worth more than all the treasure bought with blood in a pirate’s plunder.    All the treasure in the world cannot buy someone to love you and tell you so.

Young Thanksgiving

She has been cooking all day and she doesn’t want Wracks underfoot in her kitchen.  The turkey is in the oven and she likes to cook it for an hour at 425 degrees to sear and seal the skin and then turn the oven down to cook the poultry for the rest of the time.   In a sauce pot are turkey necks and giblets, basil and parsley, garlic and onion because a broth brews for three hours to make gravy and then sauce for Italian dinners tomorrow and the next day.  The classic green beans steam in a cauldron with crushed garlic and more crushed garlic adorned with sea salt.   A large soup pot holds a myriad of potatoes, boiling happily to become mashed potatoes and the Wracks wait expectantly to mash them.  

Wracks, don’t let me overshoot the cooking time.   The turkey has to cool for at least thirty minutes before carving.   I won’t Mom, says the Wracks

The doorbell rings a ding doing.   The grandparents are here to share a holiday meal.  Grandpa and Grandma show up bearing sacks of food to feed the Wracks.    Outside a Ford Fairlane deluxe town coupé in alabaster white parks, it soon will be converted by the Fonz into a rolling brothel but the Wracks is too young to understand.   All he understands is that he has family and they are here together on the holidays and everything is so special.  Grandma walks over to him and gently kisses him on the forehead and says Happy Thanksgiving.  She is small and has reddish blond hair and green eyes just like him.  Grandpa is here, he has been sick all his adult life and had to leave Australia and then Northern California to come here.  Wherever someone goes, it is all the same.   It is to run from money.  He sits down and vegetates.  Father Wracks hands him the daily newspaper and he reads it the Wracks sit with his grandmother on the sofa and wait for dinner.  

Come mash the potatoes says Mother.   Dinner is ready.

Everyone assembles the convertible dining room table to the dining room table lengthened for the holidays.   The Fonz appears from the bedroom, he leaves through the window and doesn’t think anyone knows and sees the girl next door.   The Fonz sits opposite the Wracks on the side next to Mother and Grandpa and Father sits at the head of the table.   The food stands on the walkthrough, ready to be served and eaten.  A fresh bottle of wine opens, it is a Johannesburg Riesling and the Wracks gets a quarter glass of wine mixed with water as it is a European custom to serve the children water and wine on holidays.    Father Wracker pours wine, passes it around, and then says, let’s say our prayer.   Everyone crosses hands and thanks the Lord for this meal and then father says “Manja” which is the Italian word for eat and everyone gets in line to mound their holiday dish with luxurious gourmet cooked food.   The Wracks gets a wing and a leg if he wants it, this is the way his parents want it, tons of mashed potatoes and gravy and a log cabin of garlic and parsley steamed green beans.   After everyone cannot eat anymore, Mom says, I have a pumpkin and cherry pie from Marie Calendars.

The Wracks go inside the kitchen and bring the dessert plates, the serving utensils, and the two pies and set them on the table next to Mother.  She asks everyone what pie they prefer and finally, when she gets to the Wracks, he says; both.   Evening coffee perks in the automatic coffee percolator and the Wracks pours the fresh coffee into the decanter and brings it to the table.   Coffee cups are already there for the grownups.   The Wracks bring all the dishes from the table to the kitchen, because they are English china, they have to be scoured before being put on rinse hold in the automatic dishwasher or they will chip.   The sterling silver cutlery, that Mom received at her wedding, has to be washed by hand and then dried. Grandma helps the Wracks clean the kitchen, removes the China from the dishwasher, places it in the pots and pans, and then starts another load.   The Wracks load the remaining food into storage containers wrap the turkey in aluminum foil and place it into the Whirlpool refrigerator. 

Grandfather moves to the reclining chair, sits down, and lights up a huge Roi tan cigar.   He prefers Roi tan to Cuban hand-rolled blends.   The house fills with smoke, father opens up the sliding glass door and turns the thermostat up and Grandfather puffs away with a big smile on his face.  The other adults’ station in the living room with light green shag carpeting in French chairs given to them by the grandparents.   They each have a glass of cognac or aperitif wine.  Time passes in sublime happiness.  The family is all here, all together for the holidays. 

Finally, the grandparents say they have to leave because they don’t like to drive when it is late, and the Wracks fetch their overcoats from the hall closet and present them to them.  Even the Fonz is here and the Wracker family waves goodbye to the grandparents as they roll away in the Ford Fairlane.  Father is now sitting in the recliner smokes a Pall Mall cigarette and watches television on the color set brought to them by the grandparents.  The Wracks goes and puts away things and straightens things and clears the table as is his custom and constant task.  The Fonz always disappears, he goes and visits the neighbors and will never admit to visiting them.  The Wracks moves to his bedroom which will soon be his grandmother’s bedroom, takes off his pants and shirt, puts on pajamas goes to bed watches as the stars twinkle through the transparent shutters that shroud his room, and finally falls asleep.  

This is one of many to be had, a long time ago, with important people doing important things, and the past slowly slips away.  The Wracks thanks the maker he had a family to live with and have a somewhat normal life.  Many of our beautiful children don’t.  Like our forefathers, who hunted turkey because their crops failed, and the Indians who brought corn and beans to the first Thanksgiving, and lived in harmony with the European colonists, the Wracks want to thank everyone who made his Thanksgiving possible and hope all children will have a good thanksgiving, like he had.  Like water under the bridge, it is all gone now, and what we have are beautiful memories, to share with our offspring.   Happy Thanksgiving.

Mutual Funds

We the 80 percent demark a proportion of our hourly earnings into funds so he and she can live into retirement and their children will have enough money to be educated upon their demise.  What is the appropriate way for the government to sponsor so the people who fight for the nation and support the infrastructure have enough funds to live into their golden years?   The 20 percent are smarter and have the love of God so they holier than thou can decree how public money is used.   The result of the fruitful meanderings and altruistic research is the mutual fund.   A mutual fund is an investment business staffed by the 20 percent who have the money, had time, had location to attend an Ivy League college and become the financiers of our great nation.   The government which continually tells us that they are on our side says that any interest accrued in a mutual fund is tax-exempt until his or her 65th birthday.  The 80 percent that believe the dogma of high finance blindly put their hard-earned cash into 401k, 403b, SEP designated cash-exempt funds.  What happens to these billions of dollars that a day laborer or fast-food employee relies upon to give them sustenance during hard times?

Mutual funds are divided into various designations depending on how much time the investment allocates or the amount of risk the investor wants to assume.  Growth funds invest in companies that are productive and rapidly expanding.   Asset allocation funds invest in blue chip giants that use their and mortar base to make money.  Once someone has money, they can lend it or leverage it to make more money and this is what mutual funds do.  Index funds use stable giants that guarantee returns and are less susceptible to stirring.  What is stirring?    Students of psychology note that human beings will endeavor in anything that offers financial returns.  The staff of mutual funds, all highly educated, buy and sell stocks and bonds and make a commission on their buys and sells so naturally they will use derivative methods to buy and sell stocks, bonds, and commodities so they can earn six-figure incomes gambling the grub stake of wage earners.    Has anyone ever heard of a poor investment banker?   Probably not, because they live in exclusive gated communities in large houses with a pool.  The as they stir the more investment staff make and index funds are composed of entities that do not need to be stirred as much. 

Overseas stocks are highly speculative no matter what investment bankers state.   They do not fall under United States government jurisdiction, so the money can not be appropriately and exactly quantitated.  This means that third-party players and middlemen take a cut as the money happens from other countries and eventually finds its way to the United States where it can be taxed.   What is better than having money make money in a foreign country and no one, even the government knows how much cash is being generated or reinvested in infrastructure?   Only the 20 percent know.   Only the shadow knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men.   Let the giants of industry outsource the economy so no one knows how much cash the companies generate, they can employ slave laborers, and they take a cut and put it in a Swiss bank awaiting retirement and no one knows.  Stir, stir, allocate with abandon, and store the booty in overseas accounts along with drug traffickers. 

My grandfather was a man of few words and I was too immature to appreciate him.   What he said is that men only do what suits them and that if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

Enter the dragon.   If public money is to be invested unscrupulously, the government should do it.   If hard-earned cash is to be stolen, the government should steal it, not Ivy League investment bankers. 

We shall establish mutual funds based on NET INCOME as demarcated in the yearly prospectus.

We shall establish mutual funds based on slope as given in a Cartesian coordinate system with an x and y-axis.

We shall establish mutual funds based on capital because profit derives from capital and large companies are stable entities for all.  Owners’ equity in the equation Assets = liabilities and owners’ equity is a sum that can be taxed and leveraged.  Like one of my mentors stated; “it takes money to make money.”

Mathematical quantities like ROI. Quick ratio and others are merely guides for an intelligent investor to proceed because like all math, figures lie and liar’s figure.   

One of the most pertinent places to put a nest egg is a certificate of deposit in a FIDC-accredited bank and label the money as an IRA.  Bonds are merely debentures that float around, and never go away and the working class pays the interest when they are tagged onto the property tax.   Money is money and when this author was a child a peer said he would teach him about money.  The author gave him five dollars on loan and the person said to ask for it back and when the author did, he got punched in the face.  This is how money is. 

This author is not a rabble-rouser or politician.  Let him play the devil’s advocate and state empirically that he is mad he never got a piece of the skullduggery.   We the people vote to ensure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish……

Perverse Imp

Estranged to a lonely room

Littered with trash and splattered gloom

Fettered and sentenced to early doom

Distressed and distraught to a sordid mood

Creeps and crawls and stalks at night

To make sure the windows latched

To make sure the door to match

Hope to God to soon to catch

Before settling to an unworldly nap

Creeps and crawls and stalks at night

Late night battered darkness broken

Metallic taste in my mouth beholden

Bathroom rush with my mouth open

Rinse the mouth and nose thus salted

Creeps and crawls and stalks at night

I never see the imp come or go

Only disturbance in light or dark shadow

Low to the floor  slither  and flow

Dash under the bed, I don’t really know

Creeps and crawls and stalks at night

Maybe it is up on the ledge

Or under the bed or behind the case

Or cowering in a corner or place

Peeking out  from a closet embrace

Creeps and crawls and stalks at night

In my dreams I see a sordid face

Withered and shriveled and contorted with hate

Laronian imp with purpose of fate

In my mouth it squirts the paste

Creeps and crawls and stalks at night

Again I wake and bolt for the sink

From the corner of my eye I see the imp

He disappears in wink or a blink

Invisible to the man with a limp

Creeps and crawls and stalks at night

Pint sized demon un happily  born

Raised to hurt and kill with poison

Never seen in a man with reason

Punished in a life of torture and scorn

Creeps and crawls and stalks at night

In the darkness I see a leap

Up to the ledge an amazing  feat

For a tiny thing at most two feet

Hiding until I fall asleep

Creeps and crawls and stalks at night

Needles inserted into my feet

Slow painful  sore legs they do  retreat

Hope to lord my soul to keep

Late at night in darkness deep

Creeps and crawls and stalks at night

In the blackness I hear a click

Grab a sword and after it

Under the bed in a squealing fit

Damaged with a warbling tweet

Creeps and crawls and stalks at night

Should I slowly pass away

Hopefully my children remember me

Horrible taste with it at bay

Awakening to a brand new day

Creeps and crawls and stalks at night

Should I survive to tell a story

Of terror, pain and faith and glory

Unbelievable unreasonable stodgy and gory

Peers in as I swoon with sedated foray

Creeps and crawls and stalks at night

one step over the line

sinking in a stormy sea Lord Jesus

Bailing suits me just fine.

Sitting in a little row boat bailing

One step over the line

I want to have a good time Mother Mary

I want to have a really good time

Going way down in a subway station

One step over the line

I want to say hello Saint Peter

Say hello one more time

Sitting alone in a subway station

One step over the line

I never wanted to offend old Smoky

I want to give him a piece of my mind

Keeping to myself in a railway station

One step over the line

Saint Micheal says I have a long way to go

don’t pay people no mind

Sitting by myself at a railway station

One step over the line

Blue blood doesn’t suit me, lord Jesus

I need help most of the time

Lost with myself on the internet

One step over the line


There exist words that everyone speaks but only a few practice or believe.  Words like truth, honesty, friendship, and mostly justice.  Justice looks truly beautiful and I have seen her and she tells me that truth lives and waits for you.  She doesn’t have to posture or take off her clothes or say anything because her smile her eyes and her manner reveal all that is good and real.  Justice lives where the light shines and light shines brightly for those who want to see and sight shines in the world for everyone who wants to look. Where the light is, is where your heart lies, and it is your heart that cannot lie to you.  Follow your heart, think with your mind, and believe with all your feelings and the future will become real and all yours.  Transcend obstacles because hurdles are only to be surmounted and death does not hurt.  Evil, prejudice, and inequity are the pains that we might have to live with.  Goodness leaves a good feeling and the others don’t and the integral of positivity and optimism yield a positive first derivative and a second derivative in the fourth dimension.  What it is all adds up to and positive values add up and non-positive values subtract.  What I am trying to say, is that the way is toward the light and no other path exists or matters and this is why.

He does not want you to look at him because he has become horrible to behold.  His hands warp into claws and he has eyes like a cat, a dark complexion, and thick black wavy hair.  His teeth are all canines because he eats meat and nothing else…  He wears black and purple clothes because black is his color and purple signifies royalty and the only colors, he sees are orange and purple, grey and black, and nothing in between.  His demeanor breeds horror, death, and wanting and a hunger that never can be satisfied and he asks you to denounce your religion and follow him.  He shows a bag of gold and a handful of jewels.    In this revelation and the horror, God installs a cruelty that cannot be cured, forever.  His friend is tall and slender and reminds someone somewhere of a snake. The blond has blue eyes, a long head, and hands like him transfigured by the lord into claws of revulsion, hate, deception, and torture. He wears a long robe with nothing underneath.   He too, asks a soul to denounce his faith and follow him.  They promise riches beyond the imagination, hot women that never satiate, and a life of action, adventure, lust, and carnage. This life does not last forever.  They don’t accept no for an answer. They never have and never will, and any pauper looks for time to end and for his children to grow up, be educated, and start their families so they can finally find rest. 

Life is beautiful and offers something to everyone.  What this life offers a soul is the truth and a truth that no one can ever cloud, obfuscate, purvey, or destroy.  In this life and the truth with justice, beauty, and faithfulness, the powers manage to support until ends and means are met. However, who wants to be a Shaolin monk holding a rice bowl in the streets? Better are the other 80 percent. Aphrodite wears a white Russian mink she has blond hair and she promises something somewhere forever.  The Chinese girl is here.  She likes to ride horses and wields a sword like a man and has no other.  She carries a dagger in a leg scabbard and stabs anyone who tries to approach the Rendu Temujin. When you see the light, dreams, and hallucinations are enough to satisfy this life in the promise of something better, longer and faster. In the acceleration of life to the speed of light, someone can love, and in this love is everything and much more.  Numbers, strategic assessments, the way, the weather, the seasons, and discipline.    The Meek shall inherit the earth.  It is all real and apparent in the 4D.  The real is probably a dream, or nightmare, or hallucination that exists in the eye of Allah and to him, it doesn’t matter anyway, because the game is not really a game.