Medical Plans

In the hubbub of an election year with all the politicians promising more medical for the people, our people, a people, we look at social security.   A given percentage of a paycheck is deducted from the gross allocation and is assumed by the government to pay for personal and public medical acts and subsidies.  If a citizen is lucky enough to qualify for a good job, with a brick-and-mortar company, with stock and perks and more, the employer matches social security withholdings to that percentage demarcated to health care and offers as a benefit a health care plan.   The plan can be basic, premium, or preferred and the amount of money earmarked to that plan increases in direct relation to the amount withdrawn from the paystub.  Supposedly, the better medical plans boast a higher maximum end cap for worst-case scenarios, a lower copay, and your choice of hospitals.   All this money amounts to over one-third of the gross national product.   Only defense spending for national security costs more than medical care.  The purpose of this paper is not to accuse or castigate those responsible for current medical care.  Rather it is to show who and what is getting rich on hard-earned public money.   Let this author delve deeply into health care and what it is.

A medical plan offered by the employer is part of a corporation, usually an insurance company that makes money hoping people can’t collect on bad luck.  All the premium working-class people pay to invest in current hot stocks and stable bonds and that company makes money on money.  When a worker has a claim, like a chronic disease or cancer, the medical plan does their darndest to pay out the least possible money they can and they can write off the loss on their corporate income tax thus lowering the net income of the corporation.  Medical plans are win-win for corporations.    What do the uneducated unassuming workers whose health deteriorates due to poor or hazardous work conditions that cause disease do? Basically, in current allopathic medicine, only infectious diseases can be cured in a hospital or a home.  If a patient doesn’t harbor a germ or parasite, they are entirely out of luck.  The events caused by employment with dangerous chemicals, nuclear or hazardous waste are poisonings, known to the medical fraternity as intoxication and an intoxication means in Latin “shot with an arrow”.    For the most part, poisonings can not be treated by allopathic medicine unless the causal factor can be identified like lead in lead poisoning and the treatment is long-term chelation.  For all other poisonings and parasite infestations, modern medicine can not do a blessed thing, and the patient railroads into hopeless surgery or bogus treatments administered by charlatans.  For example, kidney failure is most often due to chronic lead poisoning and the treatment for kidney disease in modern medicine is dialysis, not long-term chelation therapy to get the lead out of the Golgi apparatus and free the kidney.   Patients with intestinal worms must see a veterinarian to get wormed because medical doctors offer them a colonoscopy and a biopsy which is always positive and leads to surgery.  Insurance companies and corporations employ endless brigades of administrators to process the voluminous paperwork and these administrators make anywhere from fifty to one hundred thousand dollars a year.  Where can I get a job as a medical administrator?   To be employed in these high-paying cushioned jobs, a person must be highly qualified or born into a “good” family to be hired.   In essence, the people making all the money out of current medical care are administrators and patients get a trip to a dialysis clinic or invasive surgery that leaves them invalids, ready for the undertaker.  The money is one-third of the national budget!   The people who make our nation “Great” are usually old and useless, exploited by companies, and sold out by medical administrators.  They are used up and must be replaced by the new generation.

A long time ago, my grandfather told me “If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem”, and I believe him.  Medical care for the wage earners should disperse directly on an as-needed basis so the government can eliminate the middleman!   No more plans and endless paperwork generated by unethical administrators.  No more traveling two hours to see a specialist in another city because the plan does not pay for excellent physicians.    Medical plans hire immigrants from rich foreign families with English as a second language to work as doctors for citizens of the United States because they are cheaper.   My father was an insurance agent, and he told me to buy the most expensive medical insurance a person can afford because hospitals charge a fortune to keep a citizen alive.  “You can never have enough medical” These people who relayed to me such an esoteric diatribe were citizens of the United States, paid taxes, and raised their children unlike most new arrivals in the States today.  Please permit the government to cut the endless bureaucracy and give the people who work a day and fight for our freedom excellent medical care.   A toast to the end of middleman America.  

Derivative Instruments

They are all financial geniuses, venture capitalists, and fund managers. Money appears from nowhere solely as a result of American ingenuity and perseverance.  The stock market goes up and up.  Prices rise, inflation hits double digits and factories turn out products faster than ever before.  We are happy says the administration and the public must be happy too.  Prosperity, propinquity, altruism, and Americanism abound.  Politicians shout, “We will make America great again.”   Their opponents propose broader subsidies and the lifting of tariffs.  The judicial wing, the third safeguard of our democracy concurs with the machination, because the shakers and movers are smart and we are not and where is the capitol going?  Only a computer can trace it nowadays.

A seasoned mathematician once said, “Figures do not lie but liars figure.”  And they are right all of the time.  This is the season for derivative instruments, manipulation, and investment to modulate the business cycle for everyone’s good of course.  

The economic cycle as proposed by Adam Smith, and pixelated by Malthus is a sine wave phenomenon with a minimum and maximum as value and an ordinate Y as time.  The economic cycle, no matter its origin, cause, or impetus is real and occurs periodically, Mathematically, the curve looks like a bimodal parabola with roots of x squared and negative x squared on a long-time line.  Mathematically, this can be seen as y = x squared + b for the positive part of the curve. when sample size approaches infinity, it becomes a bell curve. Taking the Newtonian first derivative of the function gives the minimum and maximum of the curve at a given time. Set the result to 0,1,-1 and extrapolate.  The second derivative yields the point of inflection where the positive parabola becomes a negative parabola at point B+X.   When an investment analyst plots the economic curve of a product or corporation, they can estimate the curve given by the plot and when introduced into a computer with a graphing application, he or she can deduce the formula given by the curve.   The first derivative yields the high and low points of net income or stock value.   The second derivative yields the time when the curve becomes positive or negative.  With some historical data, an investor can buy and sell stocks or bonds on margin concerning the first derivative of the function.   In essence, he or she can predict the future value of an investment instrument and buy and sell at appropriate moments to make a profit.  Using derivative instruments, an investor can predict if a stock, bond, or market will rise or fall and he or she can buy or sell instruments poignantly and succinctly, this means getting profit where there is none and dumping loss on unsuspecting investors.  The continuing manipulation of the economic cycle over time slowly drives up prices and the economic cycle creeps up the ordinate scale.   Remember when the stock market was 11000?  Now it is 45000.   Are factories generating a greater income or profit on product or are we seeing merely mathematical skullduggery resulting in price increases and inflation?

Derivative instruments and investing should be illegal.   Insider trading is illegal.  Why not derivative instruments?  This author feels the public is not aware of what bright mathematicians are doing to milk the economy and generate capital where there is no capital to generate.  Give them an inch and they take a mile and man will always figure out how to get blood from a stone.  This is the American way, I guess.  Why can’t we return to “and to this republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all”?

Food for the People

The current administration mandates meat for the subsistence of Americans.  They claim that meat eaters are bigger, faster, and smarter than vegetarians.  At the same time, the administration asserts that livestock produce methane which increases temperature and climate change, and is an inefficient source of food because they consume grain that is incompatible with human health because it is full of carbohydrates.   Climate change and burning fossil fuels so people have swimming pools, vacation chateaus in Geneva, and an all-electric car.  Egad, how thrifty they are.  What is real what is true and what is verified?  

Carbohydrates, present in long chains in grain slowly metabolize through breaking alpha 1-4 glycolytic sequences to become glucose which by the action of insulin or exercise enter the somatic musculature.  The liver does not utilize insulin.   Grain is mostly roughage, called phytins that soak up cholesterol and bile which are the main perpetrators of chronic atherosclerosis.  Rice is easily stored, and easy to cook but lacks the B vitamin thiamine.  Corn must be ground, doesn’t make bread, grows best where it is hot and wet, and is deficient in the B vitamin Niacin.  Wheat grows best in temperate climates, and has the most protein of all the grains but must be ground, Wheat makes good bread and the Romans switched to wheat from corn because soldiers seemed to be better on it.  Oats contain leguminous protein and grow in cold climates and can be added to wheat.  There are other grains but they are not as important.  Why does the current medical establishment say grains ruin glucose tolerance and should be used sparingly and mainly fed to animals so they can harvest meat?   Can they burn methane for energy yet?  Are we energy efficient?

We the people want the truth.  We the people want the administration to be accountable for their actions.  This stupid batch of religious outcasts who formed colonies in the new world and coexisted with the indigenous people formed God’s country and we are real.  The people must mix the grains.

Cycle one is for the children of the United States.  They are our gift, our future, our beauty, and our posterity.   We need to feed them adequately so they can be smarter and better than us.  In the first seven years of life, the brain grows and matures to adult dimensions, and it is these first seven years that are critical for our future.  To grow the brain needs meat and essential fats so it can grow and learn and become what we read about and see in the movies.  As a nation, as a people, the government should establish a subsidy for all children to get at least one hamburger a day, every day until they are seven.  Any fast-food franchise will do and the closest one to the public school should provide government-subsidized nutrition for our beautiful things.  Hamburgers and milkshakes for all our children because we love them.

By adolescence, the body grows to about seventy percent of adult height and weight and nutrition is not as critical.   Carbohydrates will do and they with plant oil provide all the necessary calories for ample growth and maturation.  Bread is the staff of life and leavened grain is available and easy and a lone soul can live on it.  Once a human being becomes an adult nutrition is not as critical and he or she does not need a highly saturated, cholesterol-laden burden, with a baked potato and sour cream.  Only soldiers and athletes need extra protein.

Cycle two is for us, the workers, the living entities that maintain the infrastructure, the integrity, and the culture of the United States of America.  The second cycle consists of grain with dairy, eggs, and fish.  In the north where rain abounds and pastures open for grazing, milk lactalbumin and its products synergize with wheat and oats to give energy and the abundance that the people need and deserve.   In the southern regions of continental North America, corn and rice grow to their fullest, birds thrive in dry and hot weather, and egg albumin provides the highest biologically available serving of the eight essential amino acids.   Fish is there and will always be but people don’t like the smell of fish, and it is full of parasites, particularly the broad tapeworm, and needs to be thoroughly cooked, even more than pork.  Ironically, the longest-lived people of the world live on boiled rice and fish and seaweed, and the Finnish who are the tallest Caucasians in the world subsist almost entirely on smoked fish.  The good book gives us a choice and we must take advantage of it, whether we like it or not. 

Cycle three is a cycle of senescence, defervescence, downsizing, and realization.  High vitamin intake becomes crucial because elderly people suffer from degenerative diseases mainly due to poor nutrition.  Is it impossible to fathom that by our habits, our attitudes, and our beliefs we destroy ourselves and is it this way that the maker wants?     The dream that abounds in my mind is a picture of a huge slab of prime rib beef cooked medium rare with a baked potato, green beans, and a huge mound of sour cream.  The dream of youth and fun and decadence and girls is all but gone and so is my amazing meal that now is maybe an entity on Christmas Day.  All an adult needs is a crust of dry bread, maybe a slice of cheese, and a glass of wine, and the time elapses and life goes on. 

People are not overly ambitious, motivated, or ingrained, except for a few.  No one in my estimation likes to eat fruit and vegetables because they require a lot of chewing.  America buys multivitamins instead.  Blessed are those with the strength, time, dedication, and ambition to juice a crate of fruit and vegetables down to one quart and then gulp it down.   The world belongs to the meek and the doers, and this is what this author was taught in school, in youth, a while ago.  Where the hell is my Philadelphia meat and cheese sandwich anyway?!   I am on a roll.  

The Animal House

Mexico enters the dry season at the end of September.   Gone are the daily rain squalls that cool and lubricate the land and make corn grow ten feet tall.   Mr. Madera returns from another successful water polo practice with the selection of a Mexican private university.   He was on the varsity squad at Berkeley and now he plays here for perks like getting the tests beforehand from the pretty pasantes doing their social service as teaching assistants at the university.   The Wracks sit with feet up on the coffee table in the living room of a furnished house the Mexicans provide foreign students with money or at least exalted parents in the States.  He reads an anatomy book with three-dimensional human body illustrations, taken apart and cast in polyethylene.  Mr. Madera sits down; he spent Labor Day at home in the States and had a great time.   He wants to tell the Wracks about a movie he saw at the panoramic dome in Los Angeles called “The Animal House”. 

In it is a torpid psychotic called “Bluto” who rubs food on himself and starts food fights wherever he goes.   He is a pleasant lot and skulks around creating hardship and mayhem wherever he goes.   The movie’s main impetus, however, is around the Greek fraternity system and a famous fraternity on the border of felony and incarceration.   The people are zany and he wishes he belonged to such an organization up in his home university of Berkeley.   Mr. Madera insists that the Wracks go see this movie because it displays the fraternity system at its best or worst, depending on how you look at it.   The Wracks closes his book, walks to the kitchen, grabs a Mexican bread roll from a bag, and a large one-quart Coca-Cola from the refrigerator, and heads to his room.   Everyone makes their dinner.   They want it this way.

The Wracks have been invited to a frat party at the big U.  His brother is a member of the frat but doesn’t have the money to live there so he lives outside on the street in his sky-blue hot rod Volks wagon bus.   He eats at the frat and showers there every morning.   It the showers are occupied he bathes at the Pavilion less than a block away in the football locker room.  At the frat, everyone has chores to do to be a member of the frat, be it doing the wash, clean up crew, or kitchen police and the tasks revolve periodically so everyone gets a chance to maintain the fraternity.   The Wracks knock on the door.

A tall handsome dark-haired man with a pipe answers the door.   His girlfriend stands behind him.  This man is the frat president and he dresses in clothes only seen in the upper class on TV shows.  He sticks out his hand and says, hello are you a pledge, The wracks say no, his brother invited him to the frat party.   The president says, well then, you can be our unofficial mascot.   The Wracks nods.   The girl standing behind the president moves up front and the Wracks exclaims, your girlfriend is buck naked!

The president laughs, like Sant Claus laughs, and says, no she has a transparent body stocking that maintains the code of etiquette of the fraternities and sororities here at the big U.   My name is Ally, she says and she dances away mischievously.   Another girl dances by the door and she is wearing a brief sarong in vibrant oceanic colors.   Another girl is in a string bikini with a false top.  I thought fraternities have toga parties says the Wracks.   No says the president togas are Roman; we are Greek and tonight is a sorority welcome party with the girls across Campus.   Would you like to come in and look at the fraternity?   Yes, I would say the Wracks.   I am studying to be a doctor.   We have doctors here too and much more says the president.   Let me show you the fraternity.   We don’t have toga parties anymore because the vomit is hard to clean up. 

The Wracks enters the fraternity and being displayed on the ceiling is a pornographic movie in 3d.   A centrally placed projector with a fisheye lens pointing up is at work at a time before cassette disks.   Let me show you the fraternity says the president.   To my right is the kitchen and we have a professional chef come in once a day and fix a meal for the men here.  The members keep the kitchen clean and well-stocked.   To the left is our crime lab.   We maintain a crime lab for legal and forensic purposes.   The photographer who is our visual does work for us.  He is a member too.  Would you like to see it?   Yes, says the Wracks. On the far wall is a huge collage with pictures of girls getting into Fonz’s van on the street outside. This is our wonder wall says the president.  It is for forensic purposes I assure you.   Would you like to see my roof retreat?   Yes, I would say the Wracks.   Going up two flights of stairs, the two emerge to a star-studded open roof setting with a putting green and driving tee., If you want, you can come up here with me and hit drives and try to bean the football team in the field next door.  I am trying to get into graduate school says the Wracks, the authorities will put me in prison.  It is only for the fun of it says the president.   They wear helmets and they probably don’t feel a thing.   If you change your mind let me know.  I will teach you how to drive with the number one wood.  The stars up above on a fall night twinkle and demonstrate the eternal promise offered to the good-hearted and brave, and then they leave.   You can visit the other rooms says the president.   I have to go now and meet some new pledges and entertain the crew.   Have a good time.   I hope to see you again. 

The Wracks alone walk around the fraternity.   In one room the brothers are playing mumbly peg with throwing knives and betting twenty dollars a toss.  A beautiful sorority sister in sexy clothes sits in a chair watching for decoration sakes.   In another room sits a brother with a hydraulic contraption.  He has a pneumatic injector attached in line with a forty-gallon keg of beer.   The large funnel-shaped contraption delivers a quart a shot.  Would you like to try asks the brother?  Yes, I would say the Wracks.  The brother inserts the funnel device in the Wrack’s mouth, turns on the regulator of a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, and shoots a quart of beer into the Wrack’s stomach in less than two seconds.     That is heavy says the Wracks, they don’t even have one like this in the pit.  The maximum is two shots an hour, we don’t want an ambulance coming to the fraternity to break up festivities.  That is real heavy says the Wracks, real heavy and I didn’t even taste a thing.  Cool refreshing keg beer, on tap in an instant says the brother.   Can you ask for more? The Wracks move on.  Around the fraternity of three stories are locked rooms that the Wracks can not enter but he knows someone is inside.   People smoke pot and lay in the living room watching the adult movies boil away.  The Wracks sigh, I don’t have the time or money of the boys in the upper twenty percent.  I have to sit in a library and study.  On his way out, the frat president waves and says, you come from a good family, stop by any time you want, we have sorority friendship parties quarterly, and the Wracks walks out and finds the Ford Pinto he borrows from his father and drives home. The states are more sophisticated than Mexico.

The bolillo, and the piece of asadero cheese taste excellent when washed down with Coca-Cola.  He is in his room and picks a textbook to study and prepare for the class ahead of tomorrow., He moves the desk that came with his room to blockade the door.  A steel prop can be moved with a wire loop from underneath the door.  He turns on his tensor lamp, lights up a Marlboro cigarette, and starts to read.  After a while, he walks to the bathroom and charges his Mr. Coffee percolator that he brought from the States.   He opens an envelope of creamer empties it and then takes a large gulp of coffee.  He begins to read again and when he can’t read anymore, he looks at pictures.  I never had time for a fraternity life he thinks, it is only for the upper class.  The fraternity is the animal house and is not alpha, theta, or phi. Bluto is an associate professor of experimental oncology at the big U.  Maybe in another life he thinks.