
Inside the gift reclines love inviting. Around the gift reside space and Om and the Om live in quiet harmony with the gift and the all.  The all changes into everything and everything becomes an arena for the all, the gift, the ego, and the mind to fraternize.   The all exists as a wave function that was and will always be after the end of time and the new beginning. The all lives as itself and inside the all lives the love that the all insists upon in his or her loneliness and perpetuity.   If the space becomes a screen and the gift caresses the space then the result returns a picture of what happens in an in-phase sine wave projection.  The gift sees and does not know a master, the gift only knows truth, justice, and harmony and sees only them when awakening and when falling into complete slumber.  The other side of the gift yields mercilessness.  The gift knows no sides, takes no hostages, and makes no bargains, it only sees what happens in reality and is delivered in the space given to it by the all.  The all can be benevolent and shield the gift from what the all does not want the gift to see. The all screens the content of the gift because the master of the gift born mortal has weakness and human failings and viciousness. Inherent in an incarnation of a human being.  The all gives an ego to the gift to control the output of the picture the gift provides the incarnation.  The ego hopes the gift will not see the truth and only deliver a feeling or volume of the existence of space-time at the instant of arousal and focus.  The gift can be evil. After all, it knows no master because they all want it that way.  In the imagination of the all, the whim becomes the gift and the gift sees what it is not supposed to see and the ego scolds it for seeing it.  In the recklessness of the ego as a mortal being comes weakness because the ego only reasons with the anagrams of experience provided by upbringing and the environment and the life of the gift in a human stems from the imagination of a lonely all.  During sleep, the gift looks around unbridled, uncensored by the ego, and sees what truly happens in the darkness and shadows of the night.  The gift as a mind’s eye reacts to stimuli appropriately without regard to race, creed, or color only in the intent-based upon a vector gram in a 180-degree Cartesian coordinate system given to it by the all.  Because the gift has no feeling, no empathy, and no prejudice, it can seem to act inappropriately to a casual observer.  In unconsciousness or during an attack, the gift sees and may choose not to arouse the ego in rapid eye movement slumber because death does not register as a permanent state to the gift.  The gift sees death as a necessary or paramount experience that returns the gift to all for safekeeping.  Should the gift decide to arouse the ego in everything surrounded by ether and the undertaking of mortals then appropriate action ensues instantly, drastically, and completely.  The ego feels the gift likes to kill and the ego tries to shield the gift from any information that sets it on a collision course with reality. In the world of the gift lives a woman because a woman in a male gift transmits love and love is the sound that makes life worth living.  In the mind’s eye lives a woman and her image becomes one instantly in the space-time continuum no matter the time of day or night or distance from the modular transmission station.  The all let the gift see the love and show the ego the beauty of the word in its entirety.  All this occurs instantly without lag, upload, and delay on the bus because they all want it.   This vision given to man or woman debuts not as 3D but as 4D because the experience transcends time, space, or matter.  The Om equals the vibration of matter at an instant in the space-time continuum. The vibrations of humans may be in phase or out of phase with the Om.  The gift senses out-of-phase variations in the environment of the all.   Who can believe that humankind lives in the world only as a dream in the mind of the gift of God.   

4D sees you in a mind’s eye even when I sleep.   And it can feel love.

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