
Who is at the door asks the Wracks, it is after dinner.   I’ll go see.

Tell the Fuller brush man we don’t need any merchandise says father Wracks.

Its me says Kool, alive and well and I want you to come along for a ride. 

I haven’t heard of any parties says the Wracks.

I need a shotgun says Kool to pick up some merchandise.   I feel safer if I don’t go alone insists Kool

What are you going to get says the Wracks

A Q Z says Kool, it will be quick and easy.  They are professionals

All right says the Wracks, I don’t know any better

Wracks and Kool embark in the brown and yellow fully camperized Volkswagen van that his father had bought him.   He puts the car in gear and they exit bacon way.  

Look in the glove and see what I have says Kool

Wracks opens the glove compartment and pulls out a jet-black two-inch barrel Smith and Wesson thirty-eight special.  

Its loaded says the Wracks.   What are you going to use it for.

In case things get rough, just pull out the gun and blast them says Kool

I am not going to jail for murder one says the Wracks.   You blast em.

Yeah dah voy says Kool.   Yeah dah voy.

Down the one to the ten and soon the two are in an opulent section of West Los Angeles stuffed and festooned with endless two-story apartment buildings all sitting in manicured residential neighbor hoods. Kool pulls to an empty parking space and inserts naturally and the two exit the car and enter a group of apartments.

This is the one says Kool, 2202, apartment 10 second floor.  Let’s go, we are invited.

They climb the stairs and knock on apartment 10.  A Hispanic man of average height with wavy black hair opens the door.  He is dressed in jeans with a workers rayon shirt.  He has a Texas style silver belt buckle and the television is on and two others are watching intently smoking cigarettes and drinking beer. 

My name is Paul says the man.   Come on in.  I have been expecting you.   What can I do for you says Paul.

I would like to talk to you in private says Kool and the two walk into the other room.   Wracks walks over to the sofa near the television and looks in and the two Mexican Americans look back at him an ask him if he wants a beer. 

No thanks says the Wracks, I am on business.

Suit yourself says one of the other guys and they go back to watching a drama police show.

Kool and Paul reappear and Paul says to the Wracks, I have something I want you to see.   Go to apartment 15 and knock three times.   The wracks says goodbye and they walk over to the brown apartment door and knock three times.  A Mexican American man in jeans and tee shirt with new adidas sneakers lets them in and the Wracks beholds an amazing sight.   The entire apartment is filled with bricks of Marijuana all wrapped in pick toilet paper stacked head high.

Want to buy any pot asks the man?   All you can smoke.

I don’t have any money says the Wracks.   Kool, do you want any pot.   It looks like commercial grade green marijuana all bound in kilograms. 

No says Kool.   I have bought something else

If you ever need any pot, you know where to come.   Just talk to Paul first.  

Thank you very much, it was nice meeting you says the Wracks

Adios, says the man as he closes the door behind them

Well did you get what you came for asks the Wracks?

I will soon see says Kool and he show the Wracks an automobile trunk key, holding it up int the dark night.  We are looking for a light brown Ford Granada says Kool.   Help me find it.

There it is down the street about one hundred feet away says the Wracks.

Let’s go find it says Kool.

They slowly walk to the car and Kool goes to the trunk inserts the key and opens it.   In the trunk is a small brown bindle covered in butcher paper with white string as a bow.  He takes the package, throws the key in the trunk. Closes the trunk and directly walks away.   Back at his brown and yellow van, he throws the package under the seat and speaks.  Get in, we are done here.

What’s in the package asks the Wracks?

Blow!    Pure crystal blow from Bolivia, uncut, and a lot of it.

What are you going to do with all that coke says the Wracks?   Cut it and sell it and give it to the girls.   They go wild over the stuff.  

Girls like coke says Wracks, why is that so?

They like it more than men.    

It is so expensive; it is out of my market says the Wracks.

If I see you later, I will give you a line.   We are almost back to your house.

Kool pulls up to the front of the Wracker house and says thank for being shotgun. There are going to be a lot of happy people tonight.  What are you going to do.

Study like I always do.   I don’t have an inheritance; I have to accept a career.

I will see you soon says Kool, have a good night. And he puts the car in reverse and heads off into the darkness.  The Wracks goes to the front oak door with marble centerpiece, inserts the key and is in the hallway with the big mirror and father is smoking cigarettes, and eating a bowl of vanilla ice cream.

How was it asks father.   Was it worth it

It was a simple drug score with the big league and I don’t fit in. 

You are who you associate with says father Wracker.

I am going to study says the Wracks, and the room is empty and the simple cheap desk with Formica top appears with the tensor reading lamp and the Wracks lights a cigarette and starts to read.  Time goes by and he looks up at the big clock and it is late and sleep awaits.   Tomorrow is another day.