Medical Plans

In the hubbub of an election year with all the politicians promising more medical for the people, our people, a people, we look at social security.   A given percentage of a paycheck is deducted from the gross allocation and is assumed by the government to pay for personal and public medical acts and subsidies.  If a citizen is lucky enough to qualify for a good job, with a brick-and-mortar company, with stock and perks and more, the employer matches social security withholdings to that percentage demarcated to health care and offers as a benefit a health care plan.   The plan can be basic, premium, or preferred and the amount of money earmarked to that plan increases in direct relation to the amount withdrawn from the paystub.  Supposedly, the better medical plans boast a higher maximum end cap for worst-case scenarios, a lower copay, and your choice of hospitals.   All this money amounts to over one-third of the gross national product.   Only defense spending for national security costs more than medical care.  The purpose of this paper is not to accuse or castigate those responsible for current medical care.  Rather it is to show who and what is getting rich on hard-earned public money.   Let this author delve deeply into health care and what it is.

A medical plan offered by the employer is part of a corporation, usually an insurance company that makes money hoping people can’t collect on bad luck.  All the premium working-class people pay to invest in current hot stocks and stable bonds and that company makes money on money.  When a worker has a claim, like a chronic disease or cancer, the medical plan does their darndest to pay out the least possible money they can and they can write off the loss on their corporate income tax thus lowering the net income of the corporation.  Medical plans are win-win for corporations.    What do the uneducated unassuming workers whose health deteriorates due to poor or hazardous work conditions that cause disease do? Basically, in current allopathic medicine, only infectious diseases can be cured in a hospital or a home.  If a patient doesn’t harbor a germ or parasite, they are entirely out of luck.  The events caused by employment with dangerous chemicals, nuclear or hazardous waste are poisonings, known to the medical fraternity as intoxication and an intoxication means in Latin “shot with an arrow”.    For the most part, poisonings can not be treated by allopathic medicine unless the causal factor can be identified like lead in lead poisoning and the treatment is long-term chelation.  For all other poisonings and parasite infestations, modern medicine can not do a blessed thing, and the patient railroads into hopeless surgery or bogus treatments administered by charlatans.  For example, kidney failure is most often due to chronic lead poisoning and the treatment for kidney disease in modern medicine is dialysis, not long-term chelation therapy to get the lead out of the Golgi apparatus and free the kidney.   Patients with intestinal worms must see a veterinarian to get wormed because medical doctors offer them a colonoscopy and a biopsy which is always positive and leads to surgery.  Insurance companies and corporations employ endless brigades of administrators to process the voluminous paperwork and these administrators make anywhere from fifty to one hundred thousand dollars a year.  Where can I get a job as a medical administrator?   To be employed in these high-paying cushioned jobs, a person must be highly qualified or born into a “good” family to be hired.   In essence, the people making all the money out of current medical care are administrators and patients get a trip to a dialysis clinic or invasive surgery that leaves them invalids, ready for the undertaker.  The money is one-third of the national budget!   The people who make our nation “Great” are usually old and useless, exploited by companies, and sold out by medical administrators.  They are used up and must be replaced by the new generation.

A long time ago, my grandfather told me “If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem”, and I believe him.  Medical care for the wage earners should disperse directly on an as-needed basis so the government can eliminate the middleman!   No more plans and endless paperwork generated by unethical administrators.  No more traveling two hours to see a specialist in another city because the plan does not pay for excellent physicians.    Medical plans hire immigrants from rich foreign families with English as a second language to work as doctors for citizens of the United States because they are cheaper.   My father was an insurance agent, and he told me to buy the most expensive medical insurance a person can afford because hospitals charge a fortune to keep a citizen alive.  “You can never have enough medical” These people who relayed to me such an esoteric diatribe were citizens of the United States, paid taxes, and raised their children unlike most new arrivals in the States today.  Please permit the government to cut the endless bureaucracy and give the people who work a day and fight for our freedom excellent medical care.   A toast to the end of middleman America.