
The author wants to begin this essay with a tribute to President Lyndon Baines Johnson. In 1964, he established Medicare, which enables 80 percent to receive medical care, thus extending their lifespans. Before a tirade begins deriding a national policy that consumes a third of the gross national product let it be known that most other countries DO NOT HAVE MEDICARE.  What has our salvation become? 

Modern medicine is now a business, not a service like it used to be.  The AMA prescribes treatments, medicines, and therapies that do little good yet cost the public tons of money.  Doctors and administrators get rich over the tomfoolery, while the nurses and attendants secure an hourly wage and are worked to the bone.  Electronic tests are performed that reveal very little if any information and cost Medicare billions of dollars annually.   NMR is merely a computer simulation.  Biopsies are always positive and railroad an indigent patient into surgery.  General anesthesia is not innocuous.  Prescription drugs formulated by organic chemists come into being and defraud the public with hard-earned money, do very little actual good, cause cancer and other morbidities, and exist as long as their patent is valid.  In a nutshell, if a patient does not have an infection, he or she is out of luck because chronic diseases are poisonings until they kill an organ or organs and cause systemic failure.  Almost all treatable diseases can be diagnosed with an X-ray or CAT scan and basic chemistries are now done on a machine, nothing else is needed.  Why does a hospital have to build a high-wattage, high-voltage PET or NMR machine and charge five thousand dollars a test for a technology that reveals very little helpful information?  Let it be known that the 80 percent when they go into organ failure from poisoning, get euthanized by the 20 percent, and the 20 percent receive organ transplants that last only five years.  Each organ transplant and associated modalities cost at least a million dollars a patient and more.  Insurance companies pay for this nonsense because of course, the 20 percent owns them.  In our current elitist society, 80 percent pay into social security and Medicare for their working lives, but when they enter a hospital for a chronic condition the medical establishment euthanizes them so the 20 percent do not have to support them anymore.  In addition, the 20 percent keep their pension and put it into their own pockets.  In modern medicine, the poor get euthanized and the rich get organ transplants. 

This author experienced the benefits of modern medicine as described:

The most expensive plan obtainable with the government gifted the author with a home nurse visit that costs $350.   The RN arrived in a miniskirt, took the patient’s temperature and blood pressure, and informed him that he had high blood pressure.   She didn’t want to touch the wound and apply a new bandage and the patient had to do the most washing himself.

Another day nurse said that the sick patient was treating her poorly and she would have to call the police so he asked her politely to leave.

The excellent specialist from India with kinky hair and a turban told the patient he would have to get his legs cut off and refused to prescribe adequate medication.   Modern medicine is a racket and doctors can refuse to treat or prescribe medicine at a whim.  The law protects these highly educated ethical people. We the people deserve to buy antibiotics over the counter and not to be refused by professionals, who of course know better. 

The turbaned, board-accredited atheist, also wants a periodic colonoscopy on his patients.  As all surgeons know, passing a catheter can rupture a viscus and lead to surgery.  However, hospitals charge ten thousand dollars for a colonoscopy and physicians one thousand dollars to evaluate the findings, Lucky Luciano could never have been so lucky.    They called Luciano lucky because he was the only one to get away from the Godfather.   A huge abdomen happens from a parasite infestation, and a biopsied parasite looks like cancer when it is frozen, sectioned, and stained.   May the preeminent pathologists I have known rest in peace.

The 20 percent do not need a board-certified RN to change their bandages, Two LVNs, one for protection, cost less to employ.

Cancer therapy does not work.  Alkylating agents have not saved a single patient and most often accelerate their demise. 

Diabetic medication does not work and causes accelerated aging.    Insulin derived from animals causes an immune reaction and eventually does not work anymore.  Insurance does not pay for synthesized human insulin.    Diabetes is a chronic intoxication.

The agents used to treat high blood pressure are chemicals synthesized in a laboratory and cause cancer of the liver and/or pancreas.     Most people would rather die from a stroke than languish in pain with cancer of the pancreas.  

As I said, medicine is a racket, and do not apply to medical school unless health care professionals ask you to.   Medical doctors exhibit passive-aggressive behavior.   There exist chronic schizophrenics that are saner than the white tower educated zealots.   Hannibal said it in another way.   By the way, phenothiazines do not cause brain cancer like cocaine, if given in a low dose over twenty years.  

Medicare is a vision and godsend crafted by a person with a highly developed ethical responsibility.  It is now appropriate to salute President Johnson.  Afterward, says a prayer because of his gift to the United States.  Has fallen into the hands of the unethical.  

Remember the literate operate the United States.   A president cannot declare war.   The House of Representatives alone can release the dogs of war.  They need a 2/3 vote.   The Supreme Court cannot declare war.  They are meant to police the people and the executives, nothing more.  All the Supreme Court can do is declare an action constitutional or non-constitutional.  The founding fathers sacrificed their lives for what they believed in. Now all we have to do is sit down with a cup of coffee and read it again.    I hope we the people do not have to give up our lives to reinstate what was put into law over two hundred years ago.  

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