The Basteur Method

The world is made of money.  Money rules government directs emotion, colors relationships and moves history.  There is a way families can keep their money and pass it to the next generation.  This way certain families regardless of name continue onward until the final conflict resolves. This way is the Basteur method. 

Throughout history struggle and conflict exists between the have and have nots, the Muslim and the Christians, the communists and the capitalists, the black and the white, the big and the small and more. It all boils down to money and the way the money is handled, stored and allocated to the inheritors and the next generations.  The families that control the earth on each continent periodically repeat this method to solidify their rule and rid the land of evil inhabitants.  Using this method the well-to-do battle the want to be with very little casualty as the victims can never identify the perpetrators to retaliate and the method reiterates to finality until fate sets the stage again for another foray. 

This method depends on a dupe, a fall guy, a fool, a mark, or whatever he or she becomes.   He or she is the inheritor of something of extreme value or fame, and all the bad guys want to marry into it or take it from them.  The fortunate play the game until all the unsavory players are eliminated by fate or disease and the dupe finally wins by a narrow margin. If the mark dies in the process, the game is still a win.  Unfortunately for the dupe the method takes a lifetime.

Just like the Montagues’ and the Capulets, and the Christians that pursue the pagans to each civilization, the rulers maintain order by the method.   The method begins with silence and trickery and the secret is held better than the location of the Landing Site for the D-day invasion.  Everyone knows the secret except the fool and the rulers play him or her until the termination or final fruition of the game.  There exists a failsafe, there always does and a woman from the ruling family has a child of the dupe without his or her knowledge and raises them separately in case the opposition kill the fall guy.  Other girls in his age group may bear a child by a brief tryst for added insurance.  The children raise separately by foster families to guard the secret that the fool shall never know. 

In this one instance, a male child is raised in a foster family of protagonists and bonded to a brother who is unrelated but is given the same name without him knowing.  The child is socialized by physically juxtaposing him in childish activities with his peers who exist as a group of people who want to inherit or marry into the money that this dupe represents.  Once the active miscreants try to collect their inheritance by committing murder,, they develop cancer or a drug habit or die in an accident until everyone in the peer group evaporates giving the dupe a chance to begin their life.  If one of the peers tries to kill this fall guy and he survives, he is delivered and given a dose of atropine so he does not remember details of the event.  This way the fool never realizes someone tried to kill him so he cannot retaliate.  Usually, the well to do try to monopolize the situation by blacklisting the dupe against his will.  The dupe never employed fully or realizing his potential lives a life of poverty by marrying someone who is willing to put up with his or her misguided failings.  Once married, the illegitimate inheritors pressure the spouse to let them in the house at night, through a window so they can slowly poison the fool to death. They threaten to hurt the children in some sort of clandestine way or subvert their life the way they did to the fool.  Food is tainted in the household and the fool is forced to live on candy and cold coffee in order to survive. Time ticks away the fool nears retirement.  All these people develop chronic afflictions and slowly die off as the governors of the method adulterate their bodies and soul with every opportunity and watch over the fool.   As stated earlier, it is immaterial if the fool survives the inquisition by family and inheritors over their lifetime.  He or she lives in poverty and eats sale food and starches as do the squalid poor of each civilization.  If the fool dies, the fabricators have an illegitimate child to assume the reigns of the estate. 

The object for the majority of life is the keeping. This lifetime is a chance for the incredibly affluent to afflict and eliminate them while the antagonists and perpetrators are all together in one place.    The mark sits in a cell or a room or a small house and works as a janitor or housewife hoping for the best.  Only a strong belief in religion so well cultivated in youth saves him or her from self-destruction. People will have nothing to do with him and their family want him to end for his inheritance and all food is adulterated with sedatives and worse in the hope for the final end of the supplicant.  It is the keeping that is significant.   This person removes from social interaction, accomplishment and business, fine food, and entertainment until age prevents him or her from enjoying it.  Once the people that tried to extinguish the life of the supplicant expire then his or her life can begin.   At this point the dupe moves to a new state or country and repeats what is left of their life in an amicable fashion.   Should this person survive, and their spouse dies, they will marry a spinster or divorcee of the ruling family so upon his or her demise they inherit at least half of the estate.  Upon completion of the cycle, the ruling families continue with a bulk of the wealth until another opportunity arises to perform the method again.  This continues throughout history and the same people have the money, hold the money, and decree who makes the money for another millennium.  Woe to the dupe who suffers the humiliation of being used for their lifespan for the purpose of conveying an estate and plaguing the bad guys. Maybe it was Voltaire who said “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and this act by conniving families only proves this utterance beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Time moves on.  A legendary surf rider named Miklos Dora once said, “History does not repeat itself but it does return for another engagement”.  The incredibly wealthy will execute the Basteur Method through time immortal until God decides he has had enough. We are all the children of God created in his image but when He moves, it is profound, exquisite, and final.  Woe in each generation the object of the Basteur method.  They are used to draw in the opposition all in one place.